Monday, August 25, 2008

Go Knock Yourself Out!

Many of us have tried doing quick funky graphics designing at one time or the other. Anything worth its salt requires time, effort and preferably loads of processing power. While stumbling around the internet today, I ran into Glogster. A site that claims you can 'poster yourself', and that too in 5 seconds. Essentially it is a flash based site with loads of background and artwork available, which you can throw together to create anything that comes to your mind. You can even upload your own photos/artwork and even video/audio. It is *pretty* cool. At least you can spice up your websites in no time!

The catch is it is only web-based. Trying to come up with a hack to download it as .jpeg or something. Maybe croft might have some clue. Anyway signing up is for free, and here is my first attempt for the purpose of this blog. Just random stuff put in a bag and jumbled. I swear the cat thinking about the fish climbed onto the scooter on its own! Pretty cool no? :D

*let the glogging begin!*

Addendum (after a few hours of experimenting):
Okay so the best solution I've figured so far for saving to your computer:

  1. Use AFPL Ghostscript (also called Aladdin GhostScript. Make sure you get AFPL and not GPL as that doesn't have support for color printing). The current stable version is 8.54, available for download here . Also download and install GhostScript View GUI from here. The current version is 4.9.
  2. Now right click on your glog and select print. Make sure you have a color printer installed. Select that, and check print to file. Save to disk by using .prn as the extension.
  3. Now open the .prn file using GSView. Select file -> convert and save in any file type. for regular desktop printing .bmp with 72 pixel resolution would work. It also has 600 pixel resolution available which I suppose can be used for commercial printing. Though I won't vouch for the results.
  4. The saved file will have a glogster tab on the top. Using trial and error, work your graphics below it and then u can edit out that area using image cropping.

Here is what my .jpg looks like (without the cropping, click to enlarge):

Thats all for now.

*Over and Out*


Unknown said...

So everyone is being sucked into a vortex of love?

jay said...

no its more like everything survives despite bullshit