Saturday, April 11, 2009

A day in the life of Blabbering Wombat ... Today() - (21 years +1 day) ago ...

One of the blogs/pages I visit most often is All Things Pakistan. They posted about the 'Ojhri Camp blast' yesterday here, which happened 21 years ago. Ojhri camp is one of my earliest memories.

I was 3 and it was my very first day at school, which was located in F-7 Islamabad ... a missile broke through our classroom wall and I have vague memory of adults picking up the children and running around screaming, crying and hiding under stairs and praying. Of course I was totally fascinated by the glittery stuff flying around in the sky, totally unaware of what it meant. My parents came to pick me up, then we went to pick my sister up from her school, and then we drove around the better part of the day picking up and dropping home acquaintances who couldn't get a ride home. It was only much later that we found out that the missiles were heat-seeking and going around in an internal-combustion-engine powered vehicle was equivalent to walking around with a bulls eye painted on you!

More about Ojhri Camp:

Some random conspiracy theorist on the net

Friday, April 10, 2009

The Relocation Blog

Or post, blog just sounds cooler ... a dynamic one that will be created soon, and will be edited and reposted everytime there's an update ... this is to save myself from repeating the same details via phone, chat or email one million, three hundred and fifty seven thousand, nine hundred and thirty sixth time ...

oh btw I missed March ... nearly two years of discipline gone down the drain! I blame it on relocation.

Random Thought: I have over 10 drafts lying around ... some of them are over one year old. Don't remember what they were about for over half of em